
Fostering Innovation and Social Progress: The Role of AI in Strengthening European Sovereignty

Fostering Innovation and Social Progress: The Role of AI in Strengthening European Sovereignty
18 June, 2024

Fostering Innovation and Social Progress: The Role of AI in Strengthening European Sovereignty

21 June | 11:00 – 12:15 (CEST) | Main Stage

About the Session

In an era where artificial intelligence is transforming today’s industries and societies, Europe faces a set of challenges and opportunities in fostering AI-driven societal progress. Though a capable regulator, Europe struggles in building an independent AI industry and scaling up breakthrough innovations. Thomas Ramge will present first findings of a new study on AI acceptance in Germany, providing novel insights into the public perception of AI and scenarios in which areas AI will boost social progress. The panel will discuss the conditions needed for leveraging AI innovation and the opportunities this presents for strengthening  strategic autonomy in Europe, including the dependence on non-European technology and capital.

Guiding questions:

  • Citizens have a rather pessimistic view of AI. At the same time, Germany and Europe will not make progress if we do not utilise its enormous potential – for example in the field of medicine, in administration or in business. How do you intend to tackle this problem?
  • Which key elements of the AI Act do you consider to be particularly important for promoting innovation and social progress in Europe?
  • What solution do you see for optimally preparing society for the use of AI?
  • What role does AI and a European AI industry play in the quest for European industrial sovereignty?

The Speakers

Dutch Member of the European Parliament, Greens/EFA Group
Director of Data Ethics & Innovation, ada Learning, Germany
Author and AI advisor, Germany
Editor, Table.Briefings, Germany
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